Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Psychiatrists Prescribe Religion

People today act as though no medical professional or scientist seriously considers religion, but I know from experience that if you go to a mental health provider and tell them that your religion is something that helps you deal with and overcome your disorder and illness, they will tell you to keep doing it. 

Because the fact of the matter is that the universe and human life is an enigma and we understand virtually nothing about how things work or what lies beyond our own understandings. That's why if you go into the Self-Help section in Barnes and Noble, you'll find enough books to sink a battleship. We have our theories but we don't know really anything profound, except that life responds in a variety of ways.

Well over 10 years ago when I still lived in North Carolina, I visited a nearby mental health facility to talk with a therapist and psychiatrist, because my depression and anxiety disorder reached critically high levels. I suppose a place like rural North Carolina might be more spiritually open even in professional fields, but these were still licensed doctors and counselors with Master's degrees and PhDs.

When they asked me if I do anything on my own to deal with my mental health issues, I brought up my religion and how connection with the Gods does wonders, if not sometimes cures, my afflictions. "Well it sounds like your religion is very therapeutic for you," they said. I nodded and so did they. They consented to the idea that religion could be a form of medicine for me. Which, by the way, it has most certainly proven itself to be just that throughout the years.

The bigger question is, why and how? If mental illness is a real medical condition, then it cannot be cured by simply believing that it is. Something must intervene to turn the course. Our souls and minds are capable of reaching very high ascension, because they form the center of our being. Without them, no other part of us could exist. This means that the soul and mind have an immediate connection with Deity when they are opened to the Higher Powers. In fact, most studies have shown that religious people are less depressed than non-religious.

Anti-religious sects and hate groups would have you believe there are no benefits to religion and spirituality. They are just factually and statistically incorrect. It's one comfort I always have in this life and this world. No matter how hard or astray things get, I know the Gods are always there, and I can retreat to them for peace, healing and protection any time.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
I'll see you at the next Herm down the road,
Chris Aldridge.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Affirmations of Happiness

So many people are looking to find happier lives, or ways to live happier. If you are friends with me on facebook, I recently released a video where I talk about my own former struggles and how I came to find happiness in life. There are many ways to achieve this. As I said in the video, some people may need medication and therapy to get better of mental disorders like I did, but I have also found that generating a consistently positive attitude toward the world and your own life can greatly increase one's happiness, and one good way to do this is by reciting daily affirmations, which could be better-suited for morning religious or spiritual practices. Although it may seem small, you would be surprised what a world of difference it can make in your day when you are determined to have a positive and happy attitude about things, and you can do this, in part, by reciting daily affirmations, which are basically declarations to yourself.

Each morning before you start your day, try reciting the following affirmations aloud. As I said earlier, it's probably best done in a religious or spiritual setting, but as long as you can speak, you can do them in any case so long as you are serious about it.

I am grateful for another day of life, 
and all good and beautiful things in it,
paying no attention to anything bad.
I (state your name) hereby and forever shun all evil and negativity,
and I will only focus on that which is good and positive,
for I am loved by the Gods who also love good.

In so many ways, the only route to being happy is to realize what these affirmations state. Basically, a negative and evil life is not worth living. The good news is that it's a choice to live by it. You can just as easily choose to be positive and focus on the good. By being grateful and deciding to shun all things negative and evil, you are choosing to turn away from and avoid everything that makes you sad, angry, depressed and/or generally upset, and instead you are dedicated to looking at the good in life only. Not only can it make you happier, it can keep bad things from happening to you. Before I began medication and started looking at life better, I was consistently negative about almost everything, and bad luck was a constant companion of mine. My new car was banged up twice, and things generally produced negative results for me. However, once I started living a positive life, misfortune became far less common. Why? Because believe me when I say, like attracts like.

In our time when negativity and depression is a household item, you have to be a warrior for peace and happiness in your own life. Otherwise, the opposite will eventually overtake you. You must always guard your borders.

In the Goodness of the Gods,