Monday, February 10, 2025

Change Isn't Bad

To all my dear friends and readers, some changes will be coming to this long living blog and website of mine. From start to now, it's enjoyed amazing growth and blessings, but I also think it has outlived its usefulness.

However, that's not to say I will no longer be writing. Certainly not. But instead of doing it here, I want to transition to my temple's website. Let me explain.

My temple's website is set up much the same way as this one, and since the vast majority of my writings are centered around Hellenism any way, I don't see the need for two websites when I can post on my temple, especially considering that it would give my temple a lot more content and support for people.

It's simply where I want to be. I want to be at my temple as much as possible, living my religion and fulfilling my priestly duties as much as possible. I hope all of my readers will come continue reading me on my temple's site, which I will post below.

Also, will not be taken down. It will remain up because it still retains a lot of information that people still use on a daily basis. However, the most popular content will also eventually be transferred to the temple's website. Also, there will be no ads on that site. I've kept them running here for so long because I am close to the payout threshold for adsense, and I thought it would be a waste to just give up $100. So I've kept them up until that happens.

In the Goodness of the Gods,
I hope to see you all there, 
Chris Aldridge.