You'll find a lot of memes and jokes on social media about the struggle between the mind and heart, two forces that can find themselves at war, but only one wins out, sometimes the heart, sometimes the mind. But have we ever asked ourselves why that is? Why did the Gods give us a brain and a heart that think differently?
Generally speaking, the mind is logic, the heart is emotion, and for the most powerful mortal beings on Earth, the latter is extremely important to have. Sometimes what is carnal, isn't always humane or ethical. That's where the heart comes in. It gives us an essential part of our humanity, and lifts us out of the barbarism of simple Darwinism.
The carnal part of our brain tells us things like, "Eat this so you won't be hungry," or "Get that money so you can buy the things you want." It's instinct, although that's not to say that the entire brain is carnal. On the other hand, when it comes to the heart, we find ourselves having empathy.
Let's start with an example from my own life, so that the reader may better understand this universal truth. I have a very cute cat named Rosie, who we adopted from a local animal shelter a year or so ago. She is a valuable asset to our family at times, but she also has her many problems. The trouble she gets into will sometimes make me incredibly angry to the point that I want to get rid of her, but here's the thing, I can't. No matter how much I want to pick her up and toss her out my door, my emotions create empathy and love, and make me realize that such an action is not only cruel, but very wrong and dishonorable.
More so, the Gods are able to appeal that ethical side to me because of the fact that they enabled me with the emotional capacity for empathy and compassion. If I had no emotion, I could do whatever I wanted to other living creatures and indeed the world around me. No matter what the Gods or humans told me, I would be unable to feel or understand it, and that would be a recipe for disaster.
The same goes for other people. The reason we don't abandon our children, spouses or loved ones is because our emotional states will not allow it. Our ability to love and feel keeps us moral and honorable.
If we didn't have that capacity, our species would de-evolve into extinction. The Gods gave it to us because it was necessary for our survival and the prosperity of everything around us. And if we encounter someone who fails to show emotion, such as a sociopath, we consider them to be mentally ill, not a natural production. Realizing this about ourselves is crucial to beginning to understand the genius of the Gods and the intelligence behind our natural existence.
In the Goodness of the Gods,
I'll see you at the next Herm down the road,
Chris Aldridge.